Ultimate 1.6T Engine Kit

  • Sale
  • ¥228,000
  • Regular price ¥288,900

The ultimate re-new kit for any 1.6 turbo Hyundai engine! 

This has every part you would need to rebuild your 1.6 turbo Hyundai engine and then some!!!

Kit comes with:

Full gasket kit
4 layer head gasket
Head studs
2nd generation pistons 11 to 1 compression with applied thermal coatings
OEM rods with new rod bolts and polished beams
King bearings (rod/main/thrust) options for STD or .25 Oversize
Injector seals
PCV valve
Spark plugs
Radiator cap
Main cap bolts
Timing chain
Timing chain tensioner
2 x oil filters (one for break-in one for first 500 miles)
Break in oil 

This is your "Ultimate Engine Package" that literally includes everything you would want to replace in a aging engine.  This kit addresses all the weak links in the OEM engine (head studs, 2nd gen pistons are much stronger than the first gen with bonus thermal coatings, 4 layer head gasket, King Bearings are superior to the OEM bearings, HKS plugs are much better than the OEM plugs). 

When ordering please put your VIN number in the comments area so we can assemble the proper kit for you (there are some part number variances). 

Your cylinder head will have to be machined at a local machine shop, or you can send your cylinder head to us for the proper overhaul (prices vary based on options and repair required).

This kit includes those items that would get missed your average kit, or those items that are easily over looked, and will be come a problem later.

With proper assembly, we have seen this kit support up to 350HP on big turbo applications!